Friday, December 25, 2020

Here's Some Merry Christmas Listening For You

 I hope that those of you who celebrate the holiday are enjoying it, even in these weird and distant times. May we never have a Christmas celebration like this one ever again.

As is tradition here at the institute, I have a collection of seasonal tunes for yoe- actually, a couple, this year.

For you youtubers, here's a collection specifically put together without the performances you've been listening to constantly for the last month.

Also, this year, my family did a sort of group Christmas list with contributions from members near and far. So here's that playlist.


 And if you haven't taken the Jingle Bell Challenge yet, here's 76 minutes of everyone's favorite
non-Christmas Christmas song


I hope the day is a great one for you, and that you are able to find a way to connect with those you love and whatever is most meaningful for you. Eat an extra cookie. It's been a hell of a year, and you've earned it.


  1. Merry Christmas! Thank you for the music selections. Here's one for you. This is a beautiful concert, "I'll be Jazzed for Christmas", sponsored by the San Diego Symphony. The pianist, Joshua White made most of the arrangements, my husband (a hobby drummer) was extremely jealous of drummer, Tyler Kreutel's abilities and bass player, John Murray is a 16 year old phenom. Described as the "Artistic Curator", Gilbert Castellanos played trumpet brilliantly. Link to concert:
    Link to story about young Mr. Murray from May 2019:

  2. Merry Christmas to all.
