Thursday, January 2, 2025

AZ: Failed Charter Resurrected As Voucher School

Call it a zombie school, one more piece of predictable detritus washed up on the wave of voucher laws. Here's an instructive tale.

ARCHES Academy was a charter school operating in Apache Junction, Arizona. But in March of 2024, the state board that oversees Arizona charters voted unanimously to shut the place down. Mind you, the board in Arizona is pretty charter friendly, but ARCHES had so many problems. Under 50 students were left at a K-8 school dinged for soooo many problems.

Chartered in 2020, promising a "holistic" approach that grouped students by ability rather than age,  then put on an Assessment Consent Agreement in 2023. Financial mismanagement. Poor record-keeping. IRS violations. Violations of state and federal law. Academic results in the basement. State rating of D. Founder and principal Michelle Edwards told the board "Mistakes were made and compounded over time." So, general incompetence rather than active fraudster work.

So ARCHES the charter school was shut down, because charters still have to answer to the state for their performance and competence.

But you know who doesn't have any oversight at all in Arizona? 

Private schools that accept taxpayer-funded vouchers.

So Edwards simply re-launched her school as the Title of Liberty (a name taken from a verse in the Book of Mormon). Some of her pitch was visible in a piece in The Arizona Beehive, a Mormon-flavored newsmagazine, in the summer of 2024.
As changes happen in the public education system, many families who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have become more concerned about the potential influence of conflicting ideologies expressed in their children's classrooms. 

In the article, Edwards addresses her own concerns.

Principal Michelle Edwards, an early childhood specialist, has been in the education system for many years. The academy is a culmination of a dream of hers. "I recently had one student who was really struggling," says Michelle, "and I couldn't tell her about her divine abilities, that she's a child of God, or who her father in heaven is."

The article promises a Personal Learning Plan and notes that if tuition is an issue, the school will help parents apply for the Arizona ESA voucher to cover costs.

What the article doesn't mention is that Edwards just had the school, under another name and as a charter, shut down by the state. But then, nobody, not even the state itself, told anyone.

Edwards's new school went heavily with the religious pitch, with the website announcing "Christ-centered, constitutionally-based, education for all." One ARCHES board member pushed a familiar agenda. From a ProPublica article:

Jason Mow, an ARCHES board member who was helping with its transition to Title of Liberty, tried to recruit new students: “Get your kids out of the government run schools,” he posted, adding, somewhat paradoxically: “The state ESA program will pay for tuition!!!!”

At one point, a parent asked him whether — if state money was going to be funding the school — it would be required to take part in state testing.

“As a private school using ESA, we have a great deal of latitude and not mandated to,” Mow answered.

He also said, “This is how we save the Republic.”

Edwards herself seemed pretty surprised at how little oversight (aka "none") the state wanted to exert over her new attempt. One gets the impression that she might have appreciated a few more guardrails to keep the new place from going down the tubes, which it did in September of 2024.

I encourage you to read a thorough telling of the tale from Eli Hager at ProPublica. 

Grand Canyon Institute has a striking graphic that shows just how much less accountability Arizona voucher vendors have compared to charter schools, a fine explanation for why The ARCHES to Title story will be repeated many times over, and why so many fly-by-night subprime operators will be in the voucher biz in Arizona. 

Why doesn't Arizona have anything in place to help apparently well-meaning folks like Edwards get into the education biz? Why doesn't it exert even the dlightes bit of oversight of the vendors cashing in on taxpayer-funded vouchers? I suspect it hints at what programs like Arizona's voucher extravaganza are really about-- and it's not about a robust, choice-filled education environment. It's about defunding and dismantling public education (and the tax burdens that go with it). But you can't just tell folks, "We're going to end public education." So instead, hand them a pittance of a voucher and announce that you're giving them freedom! And after that, you've washed your hands of them. The wealthy can still afford a top-notch education for their kids, and if Those People end up wasting their kids time in sub-prime, fraudulent, or incompetent pop up schools, well, that's their problem. 

If folks like the Arizona voucher crowd were serious about choice, they would provide transparency and oversight, rather than letting any shmoe rent a storefront and call it a school. But Arizona isn't serious about choice. It's serious about dismantling public education. It's serious about getting public tax dollars into private hands and funding religious groups. And people like the families at Title of Liberty and even Edwards herself will just keep paying the price. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ICYMI: 2024 Edition

I've gone through all the weekly digests from 2024 and picked out some of my most favorite reads. This doesn't cover pieces that I engaged with in an actual post. It's a challenge to pick and choose-- I could put up everything that Paul Thomas writes about the reading wars or all of Benjamin Riley on AI or everything Nancy Flanagan and Jan Resseger and Jose Vilson and more write ever, plus other great writers that I would recommend, and mostly I recommend that you regularly read the writers listed in the blogroll to the right at the original site (if you are a substack reader, click on over and bookmark those). 

For the most part, I picked things that are still relevant as we move into 2025. Enjoy your New Years Day.

Hoover Institute 2023 "A Nation at Risk" Address

Thomas Ultican looks back at the end of the 40th anniversary of that miserable hit job on public education.

American education has all the downsides of standardization, none of the upsides

Technology author Cory Doctorow takes a look at how badly standardization serves schools (looking at you, Common Core).

Pressed by Moms for Liberty, Florida school district adds clothing to illustrations in classic children's books

Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria at Popular Information looking at more panic over five year olds who might never have seen a penis before and then would ask about it!

‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything

From Financial Times, the best (so far) explanation by Cory Doctorow of enshittification-- how it happens, what causes it, what stops it, what to do about it.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Reading

Paul Thomas talks about the terms that get tossed around during every skirmish in the reading wars.

North Carolina’s public voucher dollars are funding Christian Nationalist indoctrination in schools

Justin Parmenter continues to track some of the religious discrimination and indoctrination being paid for by North Carolina taxpayers.

Shocking Online Manifesto Reveals Project 2025’S Link To A Coordinated ‘Christian Nationalism Project’

Jennifer Cohn at the Bucks County Beacon has uncovered yet another planning document from Christian Nationalists who would like to be in charge of, well, everything.

Americans Have Yet to Accept COVID’s Tragedy — And Are Taking It Out On Schools

Conor P. Williams and The 74 have been on the wrong side of plenty of education issues, but this piece about how schools have taken endless blame for a nation's flubbed pandemic response is absolutely worth the read.

Yet here on the other side of that disaster, we’re determined to assign blame for dips in U.S. students’ academic achievement, as if learning loss could have — should have — been avoided in a moment of widespread viral transmission and mass death. Say it plain: There was no educational and public health playbook that could have wholly averted the pandemic’s impacts on kids.

Who Carried You?

TC Weber offers a parental perspective on laws that mandate schools outing LGBTQ students.

Teachers Aren’t ‘Silicon Valley’s Lackeys’

This Jack Bouchard piece is well worth using up one of your free EdWeek views. He makes some point that go beyond just the question of what place AI has in education. 

When a child, frustrated at the opacity of a Toni Morrison novel, wants to know when she will ever use this, I reply, “You might never! And that’s OK, because you’re a human being and you have more important things to be than just useful.”

The Grinch Who Stole Teacher Appreciation Week

Nancy Flanagan on the business of guilting teachers into a few extra miles.

Press Reports Ranking American High Schools Mislead the Public

Jan Resseger walks us through the debunking of US News high school rankings, because they are just as dumb as you think they are.

José Vilson: Good Math Education Is a ‘Civil Right’

Edutopia sent Andrew Boryga to interview the JLV, and the result is an interview about both math and education and what we should aspire to.

It’s Not (Really) About Diversity

Aaron Pallas and Alex Chin dissect the argument that we need to bring back the SAT and ACT because diversity.

Just What Is Good Writing?

Paul Thomas has been teaching and writing for quite a while. So what exactly is "good" writing, anyway?

Segregation Academies Still Operate Across the South. One Town Grapples With Its Divided Schools.

Jennifer Berry Hawes at ProPublica looking at the history of segregation academies and how they persist today.

Zero Tolerance Policies In School ‘Promote Further Misbehavior,’ Study Finds

Nick Morrison at writes up a study that shows zero tolerance doesn't help, at all.

If You Give The Moms A Majority…

In Florida, Sue Kingery Woltanski with a close-up look at one district where the board has gone off the rails, thanks to Moms for Liberty and their good buddy Ron DeSantis.

A Semi-Elderly Teacher’s Reflection on the Digital World and Education

I refuse to accept the notion that Nancy Flanagan is semi-elderly, but her thoughts about the digitized world are spot on.

No, technology and digital media are not going to save us, or drag our schools into the 21st century. Technology, in fact, has made possible the distribution of propaganda that threatens our lives and core beliefs. And social media harvests its core product—information and content—from us. And from our children. For free.

An Unserious Book

Sal Khan is back once again to tell us another of his amateur-hour ideas about how to revolutionize education while disguising marketing as analysis. John Warner explains why you can ignore Khan's new book.

What works? The wrong question for education reform.

Paul Thomas has 40 years of teaching under his belt, and here he reflects on the problem of finding "what works."

Why “Fund Students, Not Systems” Is a Recipe for Disaster

An excerpt from Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider's new book, from this year. Read the excerpt. And if you haven't already, buy the book.

The blasphemous GOP push for religion in public schools

In the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, paster Kate Murphy has a reaction to recent attempts to shove Christianity into the classroom, including the point that needs to be made much more often:

If the governor of Florida can, by the power not vested in him, unilaterally declare that the church of Satan isn’t a religion, then he can also wake up one morning and decide that Islam isn’t a religion, or Hinduism, or Catholicism or any faith that allows women to preach or doesn’t handle snakes.

The Rich Are Pushing Right-Wing Tax Education in Schools

There's a whole new education program headed to a school near you, and it's all about teaching the youngs to see that taxes are bad and rich folks shouldn't pay them.

Inside Ziklag

ProPublica looks into yet another Christianist group trying to work its will on education.

High Schoolers in rural, western Illinois town learn the history of why their town is white.

Emily Hays for IPM news with a story about teaching hard things and why making kids uncomfortable might be a good thing.

That Google Gemini Ad Is an Abomination

You may have forgotten about one of the most awful AI missteps of the year. John Warner wanted to kill it with fire, then burn the ashes.

The Heritage Foundation Wants to Train Your School Board.

The indispensable Mercedes Schneider looks at Heritage Foundation (the Project 2025 folks) and their thought about how to train school boards to be crusaders for wingnut ideas.

Fintech bullies stole your kid's lunch money

Cory Doctorow looks at three players in the school lunch payment racket, who, he says, take as much as sixty cents on the dollar.

The new and radical school voucher push is quietly unwinding two centuries of U.S. education tradition

Douglas Harris, writing for Brookings, breaks down the three major traditions that vouchers threaten-- separation of church and state, anti-discrimination, and public accountability.

Why Black Teachers Matter

A study shows that Black teachers matter for more than just Black students.

Talking Back to the Failing-Schools Narrative

Mark Hlavacik and Jack Schneider at Kappan break down decades of schools-are-failing coverage and how they have affected discussions about public education.

Love of Teaching is Under Attack

David Finkle is known mostly as the man behind Mr. Fitz, a super comic about teaching. But every once in a while he does some blogging, too, and you should not miss this post about the erosion of the love of teaching.

Why AI Isn't Going To Make Art

This essay at the New Yorker by Ted Chiang is worth burning one of your free peeks behind the paywall. It's thoughtful and well-crafted and helps to articulate the unease that so many feel but can't explain. Love what he does with the idea of intention. Another must read for the week.

What I saw at the Moms for Liberty summit: a diminished and desperate group

Olivia Little and Madeline Peltz went back to the Moms for Liberty summit this year, and what they saw does not bode well for that crew. Little writes about it for Media Matters.

Students aren’t benefiting much from tutoring, one new study shows

At Hechinger, Jill Barshay adds another item for the "Research Proves Things You Already Knew" file. Scaling up tutoring to fix pandemic learning loss turns out to be a not so great plan after all.

A school choice star is unborn

Remember when, for about a eek, it looked like Corey DeAngelis was done? One of the most thoughtful takes on the fall of Corey DeAngelis came from Chris "Citizen" Stewart. Yes, that Citizen Stewart, the long-time school choice advocate.

Restricting Education in Florida.

At Accountabaloney, Sue Kingery Woltanski looks at the stifling of education in Florida-- including hurting the chance of Florida students to be accepted by college.

Breaking the Public Schools

Jennifer Berkshire takes another big picture look at the dismantling of public education.

In Praise of Social Studies

Nancy Flanagan was a music teacher, but she calls social studies "the most critical field for K-12 students to explore."

Teaching as loving grace

I referenced this piece earlier in the week, but it's good enough that I'm putting it here, too. Benjamin Riley writes "an ode to human teaching."

As Ryan Walters’ Right-Wing Star Rose, Critics Say Oklahoma Ed Dept. Fell Apart

The 74 provides Ryan Walters with some national exposure. Is it bad that he's being exposed as the least competent education chief in the country?

Don't Obey in Advance

Jose Luis Vilson reminds us to keep at it.

ChatGPT Has No Place in the Classroom

I don't know who Emily is, but her takedown of ChatGPT's guide for teachers is a thing of beauty.

The P in PSAT doesn’t stand for practice

Akil Bello is (at least) two things-- a leading testing guru, and the father of an 11th grader. Which means he has a keen eye for the College Board's PSAT baloney.

When the Robots Have Brain Rot

One of the great spots of the year was Audrey Watters's return to writing about education; you should go subscribe to her newsletter Second Breakfast right now. In the meantime, here's a post that, among other things, looks at AI and its many problems.

Stop using generative AI as a search engine

A whole bunch of folks, including writers who should know better, asked AI if other Presidents had pardoned family members, and the answers were... not correct. Although the emergence of Hunter deButts as Woodrow Wilson's brother-in-law at least provides entertainment value. Elizabeth Lopatto reports on one more example that AI is not worth the cost.

Why being forced to precisely follow a curriculum harms teachers and students

Yeah, you already know why, but Cara Elizabeth Furman in The Conversation really makes it clear. Like this:

The term “fidelity” comes from the sciences and refers to the precise execution of a protocol in an experiment to ensure results are reliable. However, a classroom is not a lab, and students are not experiments.

Why Reading Books in High School Matters

At The Atlantic, Hanna Rosin interviews Rose Horowitch about the drop in students who read whole books, and nailed all the points, including the rise of excerpt teaching for test prep.

The Story of one Mississippi County Shows How Private Schools Are Exacerbating Segregation

ProPublica takes a close look at one district as an example of how segregation via private schools is still a big thing (and not just in the South). An important read.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I Don't Need Your Money, But--

It is the end of the year and many organizations, from mainline journalistic to individual folks just running a blog, are asking for money.

I am not. This is not because I am in any way superior to the folks who are asking for money. I am a fan of money, and through a series of circumstances that don't reflect any particular cleverness on my part, my family and I are well cared for. So I am not.

I am well aware of the problem outlined in the 2020 Current Affairs essay by Nathan Robinson, The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free. The lies are not so much free as they are paid for by other folks with an agenda. One of the great dodges of the policy world is the Think Tank, a bunch of folks paid to advocate and argue for a particular agenda. And because they are paid by the Thinky Tank backers, they can offer all manner of op-ed and policy paper and "report" for "free." This same principle applies to propaganda shops set up to mimic legitimate journalism. These tricks are available to the whole political spectrum, but some parts of the spectrum are far more well-funded than others. The Curmudgucation Institute is not very well funded and has a minimal staff, and that's just fine.

Fact remains that people who collect and research and write and publish ideas and arguments need food, clothing and shelter like anyone else. 

Some outlets do pay me for my work, and I accept that deal because A) they ought to and B) I'm not going to "compete" with other writers by working for $0.00. Substack lets people pledge to pay to subscribe, and it is not-inconsiderable ego boost for me to see those pledges. But I got into this because I wanted to share certain ideas and argue for things I care about and get the word out to as many people as I could in as many ways as I could. Also, when I work for pay, I feel an obligation to maintain a certain level of professionalism and grown-up work. But at the mother ship, the roots from which the rest of my work grew, I started out just wanting to vent, and I am happy to maintain that freedom.

The freedom, for instance, to meander and digress.

Let me get to the "but." 

I am committed to running this space for free, but I am able to do that because I benefit from certain privileges which others do not enjoy. For some folks, this is an important, even a main, source of income and support. And many of these folks are just so excellent and important as writers and analysts and observers (and many of them are not so comfortable passing the hat).

So my ask this New Year is this-- if you have ever had an urge to send money my way, I ask that you transfer that urge to someone whose work you appreciate and who has, however shyly or boldly, held their hat out. Plunk down some bucks for the work that you value and that you want to see staying in the world.

We make the world a better place by holding up and supporting the people who are doing the work that we value. Share the lift and the light. And have a happy New Year! 

The Institute main office. (Not shown: Victrola and tuba)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

ICYMI: Hatches Battening Edition (12/29)

It's a curious moment. 2025 will arrive shortly, and we have no idea what, exactly, it's going to bring. Something. Probably more than a few ugly and unpleasant things. So let's batten the hatches, tied down the valuables, embrace those we love, and plough forward. There's not much you can do about the future, but the thing you absolutely can't do is stop it from coming.

End of the year is always a quiet time. I worked in radio for a bit way back in the day, and I can tell you that the reason so many outlets have special Christmas/New Years marathons is because the only person at the station is the lowest-ranking employee, and they need something they can run with one eye open and a single finger unfurled.  But I've still got a few things from the week for you to read.

Prufrock-Free Schools

Jess Piper offers a take on schools running AI, and one of my favorite poems to teach.

School vouchers remain a GOP priority even as voters reject them

Even Axios has noticed the disagreement between the GOP and its voters about charter schools. April Rubin covers the story.

Give the Gift of Removing Reading Pressure on Kindergartners!

Nancy Bailey reminds us that maybe reading instruction could be less awful for the littles. 

Whiplash: Worst Teacher Movie Ever

Nancy Flanagan, who had a long, successful career as a music teacher, explains why Whiplash is not an exemplar of teaching of any sort (no matter what some rich guy thinks).

Lawrence Deserves Democracy

Maurice Cunningham looks at one more corner of the world where some folks think a democratically elected school board is passe-- let's have a mayoral autocracy instead!

Two Gifts-The Story of a Small Town Fighting Back and An Ode to Joy

As a Christmas gift, Andru Volinsky reminds us of one of my favorite stories-- the tale of Croydon, New Hampshire, how Libertarians revealed they weren't interested in school choice, and how ordinary folks saved their schools from the Libertarian axe.

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Read A Book (or Two)!

Sue Kingery Woltanski with some words about actual book reading, and some actual book recommendations for folks with young humans in their homes.

Bible removed from Texas school district after law banning 'sexually explicit' content 'backfires'

In completely unsurprising news, one Texas school district pulls the Bible because it violates the state's Naughty Books law. Jack Hobbs reports for The Mirror. Yeah, it's not going to stand, but it's a marker of where we are.

A North Texas high school locked up cellphones. Here’s what happened

Talla Richman in Dallas News visits a school that has tried to clamp down on cell phones. It seems to be going well.

This week, I was in The Progressive explaining the awfulness of the federal school voucher bill, and at looking at a study of time use in schools

You can find me at Bluesky as, and of course there's the regular newsletter with all my stuff in your email for free. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Federal Voucher Bill Offers Big Returns For Wealthy

The Educational Choice for Children Act of 2024 is the federal school voucher program that Betsy DeVos always dreamed of, combining the privatization of education with a sweet tax shelter for the wealthy. The whole thing is bad news.

ECCA proposes an education savings account voucher funded with tax credits. ESAs are super-vouchers that simply hand parents a stack of money and tell them to go spend it on education-flavored stuff. ESAs are in place in many states, and they have provided some serious oversight problems; State-level ESAs have been used for surfboards, televisions, theme park tickets, cosmetics, clothes, horseback riding lessons, and $1 million on Lego sets.

ECCA vouchers would be funded by contributions from wealthy folks who are looking for a tax shelter and investment opportunity (more about that in a moment) funneled through a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). The SGOs take the money, wrap it in a bow, and hand it over as vouchers to families. 

We've seen this game played in many states, though the proposal is significantly worse in some features.

ECCA has a striking lack of oversight, accountability, or rules of any kind. There is no process or set of requirements, no vetting for qualifications or competence, for SGOs or the education vendors who eventually receive the taxpayer-funded vouchers. By the rules of the bill, pretty much anyone can play and collect voucher funds or the 10% share that SGOs get to keep. There are no education-related guardrails in this bill at all, and it doesn't even specify the size of the vouchers. It's almost as if it were mainly about something other than education. Ka-ching.

Student eligibility stops just short of universal. Students have to be eligible to attend public school (but not actually doing it, so students who have always been in private or home school are eligible). The family must be under 300% of the "area median gross income." The gross is of course larger than net, and the "area" means that every area, no matter how wealthy it may be, still has a huge population of eligible students. 

So under this bill, very wealthy students attending very private schools would still get a chunk of federal money-- just like DeVos pushed for all her years in office.

But some of the sweetest benefits are for the people who use this as a tax shelter.

This gets a little wonky, but stay with me.

We all know that donations to charity can be claimed as a deduction on your federal taxes. If you donate enough to make it a better deal than just taking the standard deduction, you can get some tax help by giving to your favorite nonprofit.

But kicking money into the federal voucher program gets you 100% tax credit. Give a dollar, take a dollar credit. And you can do this for up to 10% of your income, which is the sweetest tax shelter that the feds offer anywhere in the tax code. 

But wait--there's more!

You can donate cash-- or marketable securities! And as the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy explained back in September, that means you can not only duck your regular tax burden, but you can also finesse your way around some capital gains taxes as well. ITEP figures that by using this part of the tax shelter, you can get $1.20 for every $1.00 you hide in this education-flavored tax dodge. 

In other words, ECCA really isn't much to do with education. Just as much of the charter school industry was really about real estate investment, this is about creating an "instrument" for dodging taxes. It just happens to dovetail nicely with the privatization movement. 

You may want to contact your Congressperson and tell them you do not support HB 9642, the Betsy DeVos Tax Shelter Act, because this bill unfortunately has many friends in DC. Because which wealthy Congressperson doesn't love a good tax shelter? 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Bad AI Writing Advice

There is so much bad advice for teachers out there concerning how to use AI in the classroom. Some of the worst advice surrounds AI use for writing assignment, and most of that bad advice is rooted in a fundamental misconception of what the purpose of the writing assignment might be.

I have a prime example here. It comes from Dan Sarofian-Butin who is a Full Professor in, and Founding Dean of, the Winston School of Education & Social Policy at Merrimack College, which is itself a pretty snappy little college just a stone's throw from Boston. His CV is a hell of a lot more impressive than mine. Nevertheless, I take considerable exception to his advice about the use of ChatGPT or similar LLMs in student writing assignments.

His piece is entitles "Teachers: It's time to make friends with AI" recently on eSchoolNews (though he has put out other pieces of a similar bent).

He opens by noting that the norm (at least in high schools) is that "AI is the mortal enemy of classroom teachers," while he wants his students "to use AI every day in class and for every assignment." He later describes a gap between "cognitive autonomy" (no AI) versus "cognitive outsourcing" (just have AI write the paper for you). Right off the bat, I feel that he's skipping over a continent's worth of middle ground, but okay. What should we be using our new best friend?

Sarofian-Butin offers an interesting taxonomy of the various degrees of having AI part of the process, noting minor and major amounts of "cognitive offloading." And that's useful because that's the territory where all of these discussions need to happen. Nobody (well, hardly anybody) is seriously arguing to have students just let the AI do it all, and folks who are anti-any-AI-at-all aren't going to be part of the conversation. For everyone else, it's an exercise in line drawing--which parts of the writing process can or should involve an LLM?

Sarofian-Butin has some answers. I don't much like any of them.

Sarofian-Butin thinks AI can be used as "scaffolding," particularly with the business of getting the writing started. He says that students used to come to his office unsure how to start their papers and he would spend 15-20 minutes brainstorming and prodding and pushing. But now...
Today, I teach my students a set of in-class AI prompts, based on a standard model of supporting writing, on how to brainstorm, focus, and develop their ideas. “I didn’t really know where to start,” wrote one student at the end of last semester, “and ChatGPT helped me think about questions, and I was able to start planning what I wanted to do based on the different options.” Another student wrote, “I started off with pretty much no idea and was able to use ChatGPT to find a topic that I’m interested in and I’m working with it to narrow it down.” When I now meet with students, our conversations are so much more productive, as we now have a focus.

Which doesn't sound so much like brainstorming as just generating a list of ideas from which the student can choose. I have had my share of those 15-20 minute sessions with students, and I am having a hard time imagine how one does that in a way that puts the work on the student, that helps them probe their own interests and half-formed ideas aided by what you know of the student and what you can see in their face and voice as they discuss--how do you do all that if you are a computer that has zero perception of the student themself? 

But Sarofian-Butin sees even more involved roles for the AI. Some of his topics are complex. So many variables, so much ambiguity, so many ways to define the issue. They're, you know, hard.

I therefore teach my students another set of AI prompts to help them see what good thinking about such issues looks like. This is formally known as a cognitive apprenticeship: “one needs to deliberately bring the thinking to the surface, to make it visible, whether it’s in reading, writing, problem solving.” AI is so good at doing this by walking students step-by-step through its output.

And now alarm bells are ringing, because AI is NOT so good at walking students through its output because it does not "think about" ideas in any human sense of the word. It cannot "bring the thinking to the surface" because it is literally not thinking at all. And some of the other tasks that Sarofian-Butin assigns to his composer's apprentice--

Seeing AI offer suggestions for a thesis statement or a paper outline in real-time, with explanations, is incredibly helpful. “The outlines,” one student commented, “helped me from getting too stuck on small details and reminded me to think about the big picture.”

He also suggests that AI might help students can find answers to "am I making the right argument" and again, an AI does not know anything about how good your argument is or is not. 

He reports that a student said that they know that ChatGPT is there to use as an assistant rather than a replacement.

Bad AI writing instruction advice all suffers from the same problem-- it presumes that the only purpose of the writing is to create the final product, an artifact to be handed in. As long as you have a final artifact to deliver to your professor, then the process is of secondary importance. 

No. We can say that we want every player on the football team to log an hour in the weight room three days a week. But that's hard, and the players are reluctant, and they're not sure they can manage it, so they go to the weight room and someone else puts the weights on, and someone else lifts the weights, and another person lowers the weights back down, and then the player fills out his log, and that final product, that log-shaped artifact is perfect and exactly what the coach asked for--except that it's not.

Writing is about making thinking manifest. Many of the problems Sarofian-Bution is address with AI are thinking problems, not writing problems. So what happens when we outsource the thinking parts of writing? 

I'm trying to figure out what a Sarifian-Butin student has actually done. The student selected a topic from an AI-generated list, picked out an AI thesis "example," followed the AI generated outline, made AI-suggested improvements, all while reading AI-generated "explanations" of the AI "process " (that are not actually a real explanation of how a real human might have done it). 

What has the student gotten from this process? What mental muscles did they develop? What critical parts of the writing process did they complete beyond filling in the blanks laid out by someone else? How can one know if they have used the AI as a crutch or had it carry them entirely? How is this superior to, say, watching someone else write an essay while explaining what they are doing? What problem is this solving (beyond a time-sucking parade of wobbly students asking for 15-20 minutes of advice, which is not a student problem)? 

How is any of this better than leaving them to struggle on their own?

Yes, I know-- left to their own devices, they will produce some really terrible essays. Believe me-- I may not match Sarofian-Butin's credentials in any other way, but after 39 years in a high school English classroom, I will bet I've read far more terrible writing than he has. And not once did I think, what this student needs is something that can do all the hard part for him. Did I think some could, would, and did benefit from human-to-human tutoring? Absolutely--but that involves a human being who can read them, hear them, respond to them, draw them out and sense when to back off. 

The thing about those terrible essays is that you don't get students to do better by doing the hard parts for them. They have to struggle and work and you have to coach and cajole and hold hands and kick butts and let them find their own voice and their own way.

This is at the heart of most student endeavors. I was a yearbook advisor for ages, and there is no question that they best way to get a good yearbook is to shove the kids out of the way and do it yourself. What do they get from that? Not a damned thing, but the book would look good. You could have a much more beautiful prom if you let adults do the decorating. 

And you would get much better student writing if you didn't leave it to students. 

But the product is not the point. The struggle, the growth, the learning, the human interaction, the heavy lifting is the point. Trying to reduce student involvement in the process gets a better product, but that can't be the whole point. Everything in education would run so much more smoothly if not for all the children. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Some Christmas Tunery

Here at the Institute (where the Board of Directors still firmly believe in Santa Claus), we like our seasonal music, both as consumers and as producers, so as is tradition here, I'll share with you a couple of sources of music for the next twenty-four hours or so.

I have long maintained a Christmas play list of Youtube, and every year I rotate some things out and add some new things in. I tend toward videos that aren't already played a zillion times, so we're mostly guaranteed that we won't be hearing the things we have already gotten tired of. So here's this year's edition:

During the Covid shutdown, my extended family collaborated on a Christmas Favorites Spotify list, which I still enjoy. It is exceptionally eclectic.

However folks celebrate at your place, or don't, may the season find you and your loved ones well and enjoying some peace and/or joy.