Plenty of goodies for you this week.
Snuffing Out Democracy
Out in Seattle, the battle is on over mayoral control, because if the school board won't follow the policies you want them to, can't you just get rid of the whole elected mess?
Bless Your Heart, Stand for Children
Dad Gone Wild provides a good summary of what happened in Tennessee and how Nashville thoroughly humiliated outsiders trying to buy a school board.
The Ambitious Education Plan of the Black Lives Matter Movement
Black Lives Matter has spoken out on education. It's a bold plan, and well worth a look.
Policy Can Foster Positive Relationships
Wendy Lecker looks at the ways in which policy can improve student relationships. Guess what-- guidance counselors are actually money-savers!
Slay the Monster
Kathleen Dudden Rowlands at NCTE with a practical, research-based take-down of the five paragraph essay, plus a look at what to replace it with. Must-read for teachers of writing.
Ten Non-Standard Ideas about Going Back to School
Nancy Flanagan with ten great ideas for approaching the start of another year. Not the same ideas they taught you in teacher school
Foundations Unfiltered
Edushyster gets some straight inside poop from the world of philanthropists.
NY State Test Result Shenanigans
Leonie Haimson has, as usual, been playing close attention while the state of New York has been [playing games with test result data. This link will take you to some great information as well as links to even more.
The Band of Florida's Education System
You'll never guess what Florida's education honcho Kim Stewart thinks is the bane of education. Books. Seriously. Here's an excellent rebuttal at Accountabaloney.
America Desperately Needs To Redefine College and Career Ready
From Market Watch, of all places, a call to prepare students for a life, and let the rest take care of itself.
How Compliance Hurts All Learning
Short but sweet.
Decenter Yourself
Jose Vilson with a reminder of how-- and why-- to take yourself out of the center of your classroom. And a critical question-- are we change agents, or agents of the state? A good high note on which to finish the reading list for the week.
The comments on the BLM article contain some of the most vile racism I've seen in a while. It reminded me why I stopped reading The Atlantic.