Monday, April 8, 2024

Too Much For Mere Mortals

When I was ploughing through the Pew Center survey of teachers, I thought of Robert Pondiscio.

Specifically, it was the part about the work itself. 84% of teachers report that there's not enough time in the day to get their work done, and among those, 81% said that a major reason was they just have too much work (another 17% said this was a minor reason, meaning that virtually no overstretched teachers thought it wasn't part of the problem at all). The other reasons, like non-teaching duties, didn't even come close.

Meanwhile, in another part of the world this weekend, Pondiscio was presenting on something that has been a consistent theme in his work-- Teaching is too hard for mere mortals, and we need a system that allows teachers to focus on teaching. 

Pondiscio has long argued that some aspects of teaching need to be taken off teachers' plates so that they can put more of their energy into actual classroom instruction. I've always pushed back, but maybe I need to re-examine the issue a bit. 

Plugging 47 Extension Cords Into One Power Strip

Certainly every teacher learns that there's never enough. One of my earliest viral hits was this piece about how nobody warns teachers that they will have to compromise and cut corners somewhere. It touched many, many nerves. We all have stories. My first year of teaching I worked from 7 AM to 11 PM pretty much every day. I had a gifted colleague who couldn't bring herself to compromise on workload, so once every nine weeks grading period, she took a personal day just to sit at home and grade and enter papers. And let's be honest--being the teacher who walks out the door as the bell rings, and who carries nothing out the door with them--that does not win you the admiration of your colleagues.

Being overworked is part of the gig, and some of us wear our ability to manage that workload as a badge of honor, like folks who are proud of surviving an initiation hazing and insist that the new recruits should suck it up and run the same gauntlet. On reflection, I must admit this may not be entirely healthy, especially considering the number of young teachers who blame themselves because they can't simply gut their way past having overloaded circuits. 

There's also resistance because the "let's give teachers a break" argument is used by 1) vendors with "teacher-assisting" junk to sell and 2) folks who want to deprofessionalize teaching. That second group likes the notion of "teacher-proof" programs, curriculum in a box that can be delivered by any dope ("any dope" constitutes a large and therefor inexpensive labor pool).

We could lighten the teacher load, the argument goes, by reducing their agency and autonomy. Not in those exact words, of course. That would make it obvious why that approach isn't popular.

Lightening the Load

So what are the ways that the burden of teaching could be reduced to a size suitable for actual mortals. 

Some of the helps are obvious. Reduce the number of non-teaching duties that get laid on teachers. Study halls. Cafeteria duty. Minute-by-minute surveillance and supervision of students. 

Some of the helps are obvious to teachers, yet difficult to implement. Most schools has a variety of policies and procedures surrounding clerical tasks that are set up to make life easier for people in the front office, not teachers in the classroom (e.g. collecting students excuses for absence, managing lunch money, etc). Then there's the tendency to see new programs adopted at the state or district level with a cavalier, "We'll just have teachers do that" as if there are infinite minutes in the teacher day and adding one more thing won't be a big deal. Imagine a world in which preserving teacher time was a major sacred priority. 

Some of the helps would be hard to sell because they would cost real money. Quickest way to reduce teacher workload? Smaller classes. Or more non-teaching hours in the day for teachers to use for prep and paperwork (hard sell because so many boards believe that a teacher is only working when she's in front of students). These are both tough because they require hiring more staff which 1) costs a bunch of money and 2) requires finding more of the qualified teachers that we already don't have enough of.

So what are we left with?

Hiring aids to do strictly clerical stuff like scoring objective tests and putting grades into the gradebook. There are also plenty of folks trying to sell the idea of suing AI to grade the non-objective stuff like essays; this is a terrible idea for many reasons. I will admit that I was always resistant to the idea of even letting someone record grades for me, because recording grades was part of how I got a sense of how students were doing. Essentially it was a way to go over every single piece of graded work. But that would be a way to reclaim some time.

But after all that, we've come down the biggie, and the thing that Pondiscio has always argued is a huge lift for mere mortals--

Curriculum and instructional planning.

The Main Event

As a classroom teacher, the mere suggestion of being required to use canned curriculum made my hackles climb right up on my high dudgeon pony. For me, designing the lessons was part of any important loop. Teach the material. Take the temperature of the students and measure success. Develop the next lesson based on that feedback. That's for daily instruction. A larger, longer, slower loop tied into larger scale feedback plus a constant check on what we'd like to include in the program. 

I like to think that I was pretty good at instructional design. But I must also admit that not everyone is, and that teachers who aren't can create a host of issues. I will also fly my old fart flag to say that the last twenty years have produced way too many neo-teachers who were taught that if you design your instruction about the Big Standardized Test (maybe using select pieces of the state standards as a guide) you're doing the job. I don't want to wander down this rabbit, but I disagree, strenuously. 

So is there a place for some sort of high-quality instructional design and curriculum support for mere mortal teachers. Yes. Well, yes, but.

While I think a school should have a consistent culture and set of values, I think a building full of teachers who work in a wide variety of styles and approaches and techniques is by far the best way to go. Students will grow up to encounter a wide variety of styles and approaches in the world; why should they not find that in school (and with that variety, a better chance of finding a teacher with whom they click)?

The point of hiring trained and eventually experienced professionals for the work is so that they can exercise professional judgment as they deal directly with students. A system that requires each teacher to teach the same lesson in the same way using the same language on the day at the same time is a system that erases most teacher autonomy and agency and eliminates their ability to exercise professional judgment. Sorry kids-- You're having trouble with this concept, and I know some ways to further get it across, but the script says we have to move on. Show me a school that says it's using this kind of curriculum with success, and I'll show you a school that is selecting students for whom it works and getting rid of the ones for which it does not (belief in a perfect system is terrible for students, because the unavoidable reasoning is that if my program is perfect, that failing student must be defective somehow). 

That said, the other extreme, in which individuals live in the land of Do As You Please is not a workable choice either. Autonomy and agency cannot be a license for educational malpractice. Lesson planning by googling the topic is a lousy way to do the job (and getting an AI lesson plan is just asking someone to google the topic and then summarize some of what they find). 

No Child Left Behind and the Common Core introduced the notion that good curriculum and instruction could be mandated by legislators, and unfortunately the idea has stuck with us (witness the states trying to mandate the Science of Reading). This is a terrible idea, and I would still say so even if the government were mandating my favorite instructional ideas. There are so many reasons why, but I'll just note Rick Hess's observation that you can require people to do X, but you can't make them do it well.

Right. Sure. Have We Ruled Out Everything?

Districts need scope and sequence that is coordinated, but not set in lockstep-required stone. Districts need a curriculum that is coherent, but not a straightjacket. Teachers need a library of instructional materials that provides a wealth of solid choices and flexibility. Most teachers develop such a library of their own over the course of their career, but few schools have any sort of mechanism for sharing those libraries (worth noting: having teachers compete for performance pay would actively discourage such sharing). 

Nor are there any real sources for high-quality materials. The government's attempt to create such a resource (the What Works Clearinghouse) is not particularly useful for a variety of reasons, and in general, the pipeline from the world of education research is--well, I wouldn't call it broken because it has never really existed. Researchers don't really understand what teachers do, and teachers don't really understand what researchers do, and neither has the time to figure it out, and nobody has ever emerged to effectively bridge the gap. Meanwhile, the water is muddied by every education publishing outfit which is intent on marketing its materials, and manufactures pseudo-research to do so. On top of that, toss in not-really-research-at-all stuff like TNTP's unserious Opportunity Myth.

The most effective pipeline for teaching materials remains teacher-to-teacher contact, the teacher who pops next door to ask, "Hey, have you got any good materials for teaching quadratic equations?" Some of the best program development is done in house in districts willing to spend the money and time to get their people to do the work. But both of these mechanisms, like the mentoring of fledgling teachers, depends on the luck of the draw. 

Evaluating, screening, collecting, promoting and uplifting effective high-quality materials is, unfortunately, not a job that actually exists. Thinky tanks and publishers employ people to pitch their particular stuff, and state and federal bureaucracies are too close to politics and too far from classrooms to be help. 

So, What To Do?

The task most sensibly falls to school districts themselves, or perhaps in the case of smaller districts, consortiums. A couple of thoughts about how to make that work.

The curriculum and instruction honcho should spend a full half of their time in the classroom. Maybe their own, maybe everyone else's. The notion that a program's effectiveness can be measured by checking the scores from the Big Standardized Test is bunk. Teachers evaluate instruction based on how it works in the classroom, which is a big complicated metric that is best measured with eyeballs. 

The curriculum and instruction honcho needs to be able to have difficult conversations with teachers on the subject of "That Doesn't Seem To Be Working. Why Are You Sticking With It?"

The curriculum and instruction honcho needs the time and resources to look regularly at What's Out There and do the kind of sifting through materials that allows libraries to be built. They need some research and stats background. They need to sift, and they need to field test, either themselves or via a trusted colleague. 

It's not a very sexy solution, and it doesn't scale up all that well, requiring district by district implementation. But it could work. Districts could also move to a teaching hospital model, where more experienced teachers manage their younger colleagues, a model frequently mentioned but rarely implemented. 

But somehow, someone has to manage the bottleneck that now exists between a huge ocean of instructional materials, research, and educational stuff (an ocean that is only going to get huger as the field is further flooded with AI crap) classroom teachers. Sorting through all that for the usable viable bits is, in fact, more than can be done by mere mortals who already have a day job teaching classes. 

Hang on. I'm Almost Done.

Yes, teaching as it has been conceived, with one person serving as clerk, instructional designer, curriculum developer, assessment manager, and classroom teacher (plus, in many cases, social worker and mental health worker), is to much for a mere mortal. It is a job for a couple of people. 

However, the two people have to be very closely coordinated, because all of the pieces of the job are closely tied together, and if they don't fit perfectly, the process of reconciling the bad fit just creates more work. And unfortunately, most of the people showing interest in the other half of the work are not so much interested in being part of a team as they are in pushing particular wares or agenda.

Part of the solution requires a shift in public opinion about what a teacher's job is. Everyone has seen teachers doing the classroom piece of the job; few have seen all the rest, and so as a culture we have a tendency to think of all the rest--the paperwork, the planning, the designing--as just something that gets thrown in for free. 

Teachers need support, the backing of a team, a system that provides them with access to high quality materials that suit the students they have in front of them. They definitely need more support than administrations (and old farts like me) telling them, "Just get in there and do all that stuff." They don't need lawmakers fearmongering with mis-interpreted NAEP scores in order to legislate curriculum and instruction. You get mere mortals to carry gigantic loads by connecting them to other mere mortals, by giving them real tools that empower them without binding them hand and feet, and by recognizing their humanity when considering plugging in one more cord.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

ICYMI: Big Fat Eclipse Edition (4/7)

The Curmudgucation Institute is located just about 10ish miles from the path of totality, which is close enough for me. Many local schools are dismissing early tomorrow so that children can enjoy the whole shebang from home. Should be a good time. We've got our glasses and everything. 

In the meantime, read up on some stuff.

My Letter to the Boston Globe re K-12 Political Coverage

Dark money expert Maurice Cunningham continues to try explaining to the Boston Globe how their education coverage seems to neglect mentioning some of the big money players behind the push for reform in Massachusetts. Also, this piece about the activities of the Barr Foundation

Oklahoma voters recall white supremacist, reject supporters of Ryan Walters

Some good news from Oklahoma for a change. Turns out plenty of voters still have some sense.

Kanye West admitted to ‘blowing Donda school funds’ on $2m Paris trip as Yeezy staffers ‘weren’t paid,’ lawsuit claims

Kanye's attempt to get into the education biz has not turned out so well. Who woulda thought it.

Students across Alaska walk out in protest of governor’s education veto

Alaska's governor has been trying to go the "bribe teachers to go along" route, but the legislature wouldn't go along, so he vetoed funding and now everyone is upset about something, including students. 

Civil Disobedience and Uncivilized Diatribes

Jess Piper reminds us that there are great and not-so-great ways to express your disagreement.

John Spencer shares some thoughts about what information literacy really means these days. 

NC teacher turnover hits highest mark in decades.

WRAL takes a look at North Carolina's continuing inability to hold onto teachers. No surprises here.

Naught for Teacher

Jennifer Berkshire at The Baffler with the story of how Democrats lost the plot and joined the opposition to public education and the search for Bad Teachers. Thorough and informative historical look that's well worth your attention.

A Tale of Two (or Three) Pensions

You may be retired, but are you "Have To Prove To The State You're Not Dead" retired? The indispensable Mercedes Schneider has a couple of tales to tell. Plus a follow-up piece here.

DIS-Information in Schools

Nancy Flanagan writes about battling dis-information (as distinct from misinformation). Also, because we have a bunch of twofers this week, catch her post Trust (Pandemic, Day #1475)

Fan of Standards-Based Grading?

Thomas Ultican breaks down standards-based grading, and why he is not a fan.

Jose Luis Vilson writes about the many tools used to target teachers of color and programs that respond to a diverse nation. Come for this line: "It’s about time for us to learn how to fight the bull. Or at least call out its excrements."

Billionaire Jeff Yass Avoids Taxes and Buys School Voucher Policies

Pennsylvania's big rich guy loves vouchers, and he's not shy about spending money to promote them, and he's not sticking to his home state. Steve Nuzum lays out some history.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Justices Appear to Question Constitutionality of Religious Charter School

This was the week that the Oklahoma supreme court started to hear arguments about the state's proposed and nation's first religious charter school. Jan Resseger has a good wrap up of the arguments being made and the importance of the case.

Why Does Florida Continue To Administer State-Mandated Writing Assessments?

Florida still makes students take a state writing assessment. Nobody really knows why, but Sue Kingery Woltanski can explain why they shouldn't.

The US is experiencing a boom in microschools. What are they?

Alejandra O'Connor writes an explainer for The Hill about microschools, and while she misses their importance in the drive for privatized voucherized schools, it's still a pretty good summation of how things stand currently.

Humans are not perfectly vigilant

Cory Doctorow remains one of the most on-target critics of AI. In this piece, he addresses the use of humans "in the loop" and why that sucks.

Majority Of Americans Never Use Physical Education After High School

This real oldie from The Onion surfaced this week, but it's still an evergreen classic. For every teacher who ever had to listen to "I'll never use this again..." (aka all teachers).

Come join me on substack, where everything I write turns up in your email inbox, and you never have to pay a cent for it. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

A Useful Public School Support Resource

"I know I read something about that somewhere." 

It's a pain (believe me--one that we at the Institute are all too familiar with) to know that you know something, but can't locate the source. Or wish you knew more, but can't find a handy clearing house for the information you need. Particularly if yours is one of those states where some legislators are whipping up some speedy back door voucher bill.

So here's one useful answer. The Partnership for the Future of Learning has created a website at that provides a wide assortment of resources in a library organized by topics. History Rooted in Segregation. Types of Vouchers. Discrimination. Accountability. Drain Funds from Public Education. And more. 

There are links to studies and data as well as graphics and personal stories. You can also filter through the resource library by a set of more specific tags. 

The website is the result of a partnership between about 25 organizations that are all in support of public education-- Network for Public Education, Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy, Florida Policy Institute, In The Public Interest. 

So if you are looking for a place to find a bunch of useful resources to use in defending public education in your state against vouchers, or just some tools for educating friends and neighbors and journalists (and legislators) who haven't quite caught on to what's happening, this resource is for you.  Stop and browse, and return from time to time because new stuff is being added regularly. One of the most useful websites I have come across (and putting up this post insures that I'll always be able to find it).

Thursday, April 4, 2024

SAT Scam Alert

This time, it's not the College Board perpetrating the scam.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry sent out an alarm on Monday warning that scammers are contacting parents of students who are getting ready to take the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. The pitch is for some non-existent test prep materials. And it's not just Pennsylvania

"Just give us a deposit, and the materials will be on their way," say the scammers, who also promise that the deposit will be refunded after the materials are used and returned. Just use your credit card to put down the deposit.

The parents get no test prep materials. The scammers have their credit card numbers and a chunk of their money.  

What really sells the scam is the information the scammers have. Folks reporting the scam to the Better Business Bureau say that the caller claims to from the College Board, just calling to confirm the student's information, and the scammers know the name, address, school information, and the date and location for the student's test. 

Caller, Carson, stated my son had requested SAT prep materials through College Board student services. He had my address, my son’s name, date and location of the SAT test my son is scheduled to take. Caller stated they needed parental permission prior to sending documents and that I needed to give him a credit card number for collateral.

We would be sent the college SAT prep materials; the materials would be free of charge for 30 days and we would need to return the materials in the envelope provided and my card wouldn’t be charged. The caller stated they send email reminders prior to the return deadline and will send shipping confirmation once the material package is mailed out. My card was charged $249.95 instantly.

Authorities remind you not to give out financial information to strangers, and the College Board won't call you up to ask for your credit card number.

This is not a new scam; it was being run back in at least 2022. It's just one more sad side effect of the fear and anxiety that have been attached to these Big Scary Tests that students are repeatedly told will Affect Their Entire Future! But it does raise one question--whose data has been hacked in order to provide scammers with all that info about the student? 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Teaching Flow State

As I noted a month ago, we have research out there that shows a parallel between playing jazz and teaching a class, mostly related to the gazillion microdecisions that are made in the process. For the subset of teachers who both teach and play jazz, or basketball, or any number of similarly dense and intense activities, this was not exactly news-- we'd already sensed the connection.

We can particularly sense the connection when we are in the zone, what the grown-ups who study this kind of thing call "flow state." If you've been there, you know it--the Something just flows through you, and you are just a conduit functioning so well and so clearly that you feel pretty awesome all the way to your bones. You make those gazillion microdecisions instantly in what the science folks call "effortless attention to a task."

But how do we get there? What makes flow state happen? Which way to the zone?

There are a variety of theories. New research suggests there is a particular explanation of what is going on in the flowing brain, and for me that suggests a few things about learning and teaching.

One theory flow is a version of hyperfocus, that executive function portion of the brain get cranked up and organize everything around the task (I am not a brain scientist, and you probably aren't either, so I'm going to do some oversimplification here). If that were the accurate explanation, then we'd expect people to get good at stuff through concentration, focus, executive function type stuff. Think back to that teacher who taught by way of intense demands to focus attention on the task at hand.

But the other theory says that executive function actually steps back, and in a flow state operation is taken over by an entire other neural processing network that doesn't need the executive function network and basically tells it to go sit quietly while the flow gets going. This would fit with details such as the fact that it's harder to get in the zone when you're just learning the task, or that middle-ground area that you might describe as thinking too much and getting in your own way.

The study hooked up a bunch of jazz musicians (guitarists) of varied experience and had them do some soloing while scientists watched their brains. Interestingly, they also had some jazz experts judge the quality of the solos (all 192 of them). 

Things they concluded. More experience made higher flow scores. Self-rated quality ("Yeah, I nailed that") predicted flow for all players, but judged quality only predicted flow for low-experience players. In other words, if low-experience players had a good solo, it was probably flow, but for high-experience players, not necessarily. That makes sense to me; with enough experience, you can do a perfectly fine job on "autopilot," which is not at all like flow.

The paper also rules out the default mode network (the daydreamy, reflective part of the brain) as a player in flow.

The paper also includes a whole lot of information about pieces of the brain that light up and statistics stuff (the paper is here, and a plain English explanation is here). 

But the bottom line here seems to be that only through experience over time do you grow the capacity to flow, that mastering the task or task set is the business of building a new neural network in your brain to manage the task.

This would fit nicely with, for instance, the conventional wisdom that it takes a teacher five to seven years to really get good at the work. 

It would also suggest that the teaching model that says we just explain the content and make students focus on it real hard is not necessarily the best path, that a certain amount of repetition is useful, because we're not trying to get them to focus real hard and acquire a particular bit of knowledge, but we are trying to build a neural network through repeated experience. 

It's certainly not a radical new idea to suggest that practicing something a whole lot makes you better at it (though, before someone brings up the 10,000 hour rule, that thing is debunked). Still, "Build a neural network" is certainly a way to think about teaching and learning, perhaps most at odds with some of our traditional approached because it requires one major ingredient-- time. Think of how often we insist that students learn something, Right Now, because if they would just Apply Themselves and Focus, they could get it. As always, some balance might be good.

It also suggests that pressuring students to substitute intensely focused attention in place of time is perhaps not useful. In fact, it strikes me that repeated experiences of frustration, pressure and failure are also building a neural network that's not helpful, another version of the injunction for performers to avoid practicing something the wrong way.

Of course, not all learning needs to aspire to creating a flow state, and I'm sure there's more studying to be done. Always fun to think about building a brain, though. 

NC: A Truly Terrible Candidate For Education Chief

Catherine Truitt was no prize, a stalwart friend of the school privatization movement who served as a senior education advisor to Governor Pat McCrory, a chancellor of an online college, and most recently as North Carolina's superintendent of public instruction. In that role she was a friend to the wealthy, the privatizers, and the Trump crowd.

And yet, she apparently wasn't friendly enough, because in the primary she got her incumbent butt handed to her by a spectacularly unqualified opponent, who is now the GOP candidate for the state superintendent post.

That's bad news for North Carolina, because Michelle Morrow could easily be one of the worst state education leaders in the nation.

Morrow couldn't even win a school board election just two years ago.

Morrow has no background in education. She was a nurse. She's homeschools her own children and is virulently opposed to public schools, calling them "indoctrination centers" and "socialism centers" and urged parents not to send their children there. When running for school board, she said, “I think the whole plan of the education system from day one has actually been to kind of control the thinking of our young people.” She argued for more money for tutoring which could be paid for by cutting spending on "nonessentials items" such as "social activism," though she couldn't provide examples of such activity, but she'd, you know, heard stuff.

Morrow's board campaign also included complaints about books with sex acts in them. Just child porn she claimed, and was among some folks in Wake County who filed police reports against the board over naughty books in the library. 

Morrow was at DC on January 6, though she says she stayed out of the capital- just there for a homeschooling civics lesson for the kids. Except that her video, which starts out "Hey patriots" and announces that she's at the capital "because that's where I President asked us to come" pans her surroundings, and there are no kids in sight. Maybe the educational experience was going to be delivered second hand. "If you are going to commit treason, if you are going to participatre in fraud," she announces, "We are coming after you."

In March of 2021 she was still out on the streets for Trump and MAGA (here's some video) for Liberty First Grassroots PAC.

CNN dug into her social media activity and found, among other things, that she would "prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad," in response to the notion of sending Barack Obama to prison at Guantanamo Bay. "Death to all traitors" she tweeted under a fake Time Magazine cover showing Obama in an electric chair. She also shared plenty of QAnon stuff. In one particularly thorough post, she wrote

Obama did it. Hillary did it. Schiff did it. Comey did it. Yates did it. Holder did it. Clapper did it. Gates did it. Fauci did it. Time for #WeThePeople to DO IT and #DrainTheSwamp!!!!! #NoJusticeNoCountry #DeathToTraitors #ProsecuteThemNow #TakeBackAmerica .@dbongino #KAG,

She has called Islam evil. She has ranted about Deep State Globalists. She has the backing of Moms for Liberty chapters in North Carolina. 

 Does she get the whole campaign as a public figure thing? In a video, she complains that CNN "stalked" her and tried to get her to answer questions after a gathering (questions like, Do you stand by your demand that Barack Obama be executed?) You can watch the video of what happened--it looks a lot like typical reporter asking a candidate questions that she would rather not answer.

Then she moves on to arguing that the CNN reporters don't really care about North Carolina students, or they'd be asking questions about the failing schools and the "74% of eighth graders that are not competent in reading, math, or science." So, more failure to understand what "proficient" means on the NAEP (it means above average, not competent). North Carolina voters are too smart to be fooled by "these people from other states and these left-wing media." She's a victim. Soon they will see how she returns the schools to awesomeness (though why it has failed terribly while the GOP has had control of everything in the state is not explained).

She's been on Steve Bannon's show. He asked why "they" are hating on her so much, and she explains that the Democrats know it's a swing state, and "the other thing is I've been speaking truth about how we want to get back to the basics of education and exposing what's been happening in our schools, the failures of the left in the radical agendas and the political and sexual and racially explicit stuff that's that's poisoning our children's minds and keeping them from getting a good education."  And I will remind you that Morrow home schools and that North Carolina Republicans have enjoyed a well-gerrymandered majority for years (and a super-majority since 2023). Also, they lied and smeared President Trump and she's just "next on the hit parade." 

Her own campaign video claims she is facing "the most radical extremists the Democrats have ever run" and accuses opponent Mo Green of spending six years "leading a progressive organization that funded efforts to destroy families, public schools, and everyone's safety in this state." She means, I think, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, a philanthropic group that does grants aimed at improving communities in North Carolina. 

It goes on and on. There's the time she had a meltdown over being in a Dollar Tree with a bunch of people who didn't speak English. There's her desire to do away with the department she wants to run.

Or a week or so ago when her campaign spokesperson Sloan Rachmuch flipped out over a pride flag hanging on the wall in a school's administrative wing, posting, “Yet another example of the socialist indoctrination camps @MicheleMorrowNC talks about.” It's a diabolical plot. Rachmuch is the head of the Education First Alliance and Pen and Shield Media, a pair of right wing outfits that have their very own rabbit hole

It appears that North Carolina, between Mark Robinson and Michelle Morrow, is about to field test just how much juice is left in the far-right Trumpian victimhood culture panic approach to politics. If it has enough to elect this woman, that will be bad news for folks in North Carolina who care about education (and also for those who don't, but it will take them longer to realize it). Let's watch this race. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Voucher By Any Other Name

Voucher supporters have one major problem: school vouchers are unpopular.

The tern doesn't test well. Measure of public support is iffy-- if you ask people if they would like every student to have the chance to ride to a great school on their own pony, people say yes, but if you ask a more reality-based framing ("should we spend education dollars on public schools or subsidies for some private schools") the results look a bit different

But one clear measure of public support for vouchers is this; despite all the insistence that the public just loves the idea, no voucher measure has ever been passed by the voters in a state. All voucher laws have been passed by legislators, not voted in by the public. 

Voucher supporters have developed one clear strategy-- call them something else.

The basic school voucher idea is simple-- the state takes money that it was going to spend on public education (either after that money has been paid in taxes, or by having someone trade a "contribution" to a voucher fund in exchange for tax credit) and giving it to parents, who in turn can go out and buy education services on their own. 

They're not taxpayer-funded vouchers--they're "tax credit scholarships." They're not vouchers-- they're an Education Freedom Account. And if you want to get in a twitter battle, go ahead and call education savings accounts "vouchers," because part of the whole point of education savings account was to create an instrument that was both a super-voucher and not-something-we'll-call-a-voucher-at-all-so-stop-doing-that-dammit.

I expect that behind the curtain there have been folks fervently doing messaging testing on other names for vouchers, and from the results around the nation, we can deduce that words that tested well were "education" and "freedom" and "scholarship." Also, "empowerment" is coming on strong. States with education savings accounts have the chance to play with the initials ESA. 

So what pops out of the branding machine is Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (Arizona), Education Freedom Account (Arkansas, New Hampshire), Family Empowerment Scholarship Program (Florida), Choice Scholarship Program (Indiana), Opportunity Scholarship Program (North Carolina), Education Choice Scholarship (Ohio), and, of course, who could forget Betsy DeVos's national tax credit scholarship voucher program, the Education Freedom Plan

You can mad lib your way to a voucher program of your own. Education Freedom Scholarship Opportunity Program! Family Freedom Education Scholarships! Family Freedom Empowerment Education Scholarship Opportunity Choice Program Plan! Just don't call it a voucher.

Bonus credits to Louisianna, where someone took the trouble to write a bill pushing the Louisianna Giving All True Opportunity to Rise-- LA GATOR. And in California, legislature voucherfiles are trying "Education Flex Account" for their latest attempt to pass an ESA voucher.

But a voucher by any other name still smells the same. It's a payoff to parents so that they'll exit public education, a false promise of education choice, a redirection of public taxpayer dollars into private pockets, an outsourcing of discrimination, a public subsidy for private religious choices, a means of defunding and dismantling public education as we understand it in this country, a transformation of a public good into a market-based commodity. Call it what you like. There isn't enough air freshener in the world to make it smell like a rose.