As is often the case with this sort of thing it seems like this is probably a deeply troubled person in one way or another. Corey may have been lacking a fully functional empathy or compassion gene, that doesn’t mean you should.
It is one thing not to feel empathy or compassion for people who are different. But what sort of empathy deficiency does it take to avoid empathy for people who are, in fact, like you? What does it say about you as a human being when your private personal life does not inform your public life in some positive way?
There are layers to consider here. How can we live in an era in which it is so easy to dig into someone's background, and yet vetting seems to be failing so often--particularly when this same culture war story is repeated over and over and over again? What's the bench strength like in the privatizer world-- will a new chief choice evangelist step up soon?
I don't wish DeAngelis ill, even though he so often wished people ill straight to their faces. At the same time, I don't wish him to be spared the karma that he has so richly and ambitiously earned; he used cultural panic over LGBTQ persons to help him sell vouchers and troll armies to try to silence anyone who dared to disagree with him. He had a choice to pursue his ambitions without being awful to other human beings, and he chose being awful. And you can't spread toxins all around you without getting soaked in it yourself.
All of these folks are young enough to have a second act ahead of them. Maybe time will pass and their patrons will declare them born anew, and they'll be back at the same old grift. Maybe they will take a moment to look inside and come to some sort of peace with themselves; living a lie is really exhausting. Maybe it's just a chance for the rest of us to practice grace, a quality far too rare in our culture today, thanks in part to folks like DeAngelis.
In the meantime, voucher debates and culture panic will rage on and we will all have to continue sorting out people who want to have serious conversations from those who just want to play games for personal ambition.
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