
Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Face-Eating Leopards Party

It started in 2015 with this tweet:

Adrian Bott coined his way into internet immortality, with the assistance of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, which just had another banner election. It has spawned an actual play, and, most usefully, a whole subreddit where you can catch many tales of those whose faces have been eaten.
As a federal employee on the chopping block I 100% regret my vote.

I voted for a Conservative who would com in, maybe fire a few of the weaker feds who made the job harder for the rest of us, and get rid of some excess spending...

Letting a f%$#king Autistic South African maniac slash any agency he wants and laugh about it, without congressional involvement... O sure as shit didn't vote for that.

Or Wall Street bankers who privately admit the disruption is greater than expected 

"With hindsight we did not appreciate the nature of what the administration was going to be like," the banker says. "I do believe they are hurting their stated objectives of peace and prosperity."

There's a guy at USDA who voted for Trump three times and still believes that if he pleads with Trump, Dear Leader will not allow "the Doge" to take his job away. Just like this person:

We voted for border security. We didn't vote for my husband to lose his government career and benefits for which he has worked so hard.

 Stories not yet in from MAGA voters upset that their kid's 504 plan is being axed, or school employees who are suddenly facing cuts from the loss of federal funding and Department of Education support. 

It's a mystery-- no Leopards Eating People's Faces Party (and there have been many) has ever been as transparent about their intentions as MAGA has been. And yet somehow, some folks are really surprised at all the face eating. 

I'm writing this post to save a couple of these Leopard items where I can find them, and none so much as this. Of course someone made a song to go with it. Franchesca Ramsey has done some great versions of her song, and has just released an expanded version. Short but peppy. Enjoy.

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