
Sunday, March 10, 2024

ICYMI: Lost Hour Edition (3/10)

Don't forget to move the two or three items in your house that did not automatically change the time. Remember-- today won't be so bad, but tomorrow it's going to be a real treat to pull the bodies of yourself and your loved ones out of bed. But at least we have the comfort of knowing that daylight savings helps... something. I'm sure there's some good reason.

Well, here's your reading list, anyway.

Homeschooling, ‘indoctrination,’ Jan. 6: A look at NC’s new GOP superintendent candidate

Lots of election results this week, including news from North Carolina, where Republicans decided they wanted to go full wingnut, including this candidate for state superintendent.

Public Education Attack Measure

Thomas Ultican takes a look at the Network for Public Education report on how well states support public education.

The surprising promise and profound perils of AIs that fake empathy

From Amanda Ruggeri in New Scientist, a piece that isn't about education exactly, except that this has rather huge implications for the whole idea of teacherbots and what they can't provide students.

PragerU is a conservative video giant. Here's why it's trying to get into schools

Lisa Hagen on All Things Considered takes a look at the conservative propaganda outfit trying to pretend it's an education outfit.

New report from the National Education Policy Center. Thorough and detailed and well worth the time.

Shocking Online Manifesto Reveals Project 2025’S Link To A Coordinated ‘Christian Nationalism Project’

Jennifer Cohn at the Bucks County Beacon has uncovered yet another planning document from Christian Nationalists who would like to be in charge of, well, everything. 

Nex Benedict’s death shows policy failures, harms from inaction

Oklahoma Policy Institute calls out the atmosphere of hate that led to Benedict's death.

After Nex Benedict’s death, LGBTQ youth group saw 200% rise in crisis contacts from Oklahoma

How are things going in Oklahoma? Not so great, reports Jo Yurcaba for NBC News.

Texas places state’s largest charter school network under conservatorship

IDEA catalog of financial misbehavior has ended up with a state takeover. Ikram Mohamed has the story for the Texas Tribune

Secret recording shows school voucher proponent talking of 'public hangings' of lawmakers

Phil Williams of News Channel 5 in Tennessee has some tapes revealing the kind of threats and arm twisting behind the push for vouchers in the state.

Pennsylvania state senator says cyber charter schools underperform at the cost of the taxpayer

The continuing mystery in PA. Everyone knows cybers are expensive and perform poorly, and yet... Meghan Schiller reports at KDKA News. 

Appeals court blocks Fla. ‘Stop Woke Act,’ says it’s a ‘First Amendment sin’

In other unsurprising news, DeSantis gets a setback and the First Amendment gets a win. By Anumita Kaur for the Washington Post

In Defense of School Sports

Have you noticed lots of young athletes spending the year in private pay to play programs for their sport? So has Nancy Flanagan.

North Carolina’s public voucher dollars are funding Christian Nationalist indoctrination in schools

Justin Parmenter continues to track some of the religious discrimination and indoctrination being paid for by North Carolina taxpayers. 

The Essential Narrative for Public Education Advocates: Public Schools Are Central to the Well-Being of Communities

Jan Resseger looks at some unfortunate implications of recent research. Does privatizing education change a community's very nature?

Elizabeth Will-Greenberg reports for The Appeal on this story that is just as bad as it sounds. Bet you didn't know that Jim Crow laws were totally race neutral.

Over at the Bucks County Beacon this week, I wrote about the Independence Law Center doing the work of pushing bad policy in PA school boards. Also, at Forbes, I wrote about yet another attempt to push AI essay graders on the classroom

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