
Sunday, March 7, 2021

ICYMI: In Like A Turducken Edition (3/7)

So it's March, and we're beginning the celebration of the one-year anniversary of the Last Time We Did That Normal Thing. Really looking forward to that.

In the meantime, I am continuing to work out the balance between all my old gigs and the new one handling the Hey Look At This blog for the Network for Public Education, which you should definitely check out, but which will definitely share some overlap with this regular Sunday piece (and my Twitter account) but you can decide how you want to stay caught up on stuff. I'm just going to keep flinging it out into the void.

So here we go.

The Brief Distressed Life of a Virtual School

The indispensable Mercedes Schneider with the tale of one more cyber-school that didn't quite make it.

A Half-dozen Things You (Could Have) Learned in School: Lessons from a Pandemic

Nancy Flanagan has some thoughts about the real hard lessons of the pandemic when it comes to schools (and not the ones we thought we were going to learn a year ago).

Using Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms to Guide Education Choice

Here's Accountabaloney with what I think is a really important piece of the growing push for choiciness and its marriage with technofaith in AI. 

Divides? We Got 'Em!

From Eduwonk, not a usual source here, this uncredited piece (probably Andrew Rotherham) is one of those things that is worth a thought, even if you decide to argue with it.

Civility and the Steady Retreat from Truth

Not sure how I missed this a week or so ago, but better late than never for this insightful essay from Paul Thomas about the tension between civility, truth, and the general ugliness we're all soaking in these days.

Three Leaders Defending the Schoolhouse Door

If you were not able to catch the on-line chat between Diane Ravitch, Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire, Fourth Generation Teacher's blog has a good summary of the talk. Also, if you haven't bought Schneider and Berkshire's book yet, get on that.

Biden Administration's push for standardized tests irks teachers union

Politico has a half-decent summation of the many reactions to the testing decree. Plus the headline is handy for sharing with all those people who were certain that Biden would be in the union's pocket.

Biden and Cardona see light at the end of the tunnel for education

This week FLOTUS and the USED secretary visited a school just up the road from me. It was an interesting choice--rural and in the heart of Trump country, You probably didn't hear about it because now we're back to a country where the USED secretary doesn't say something awful every time they step outside the office. But here's how local-ish media covered it, complete with video.

Idaho Republican votes against early childhood education because--oh no! Really?

In incredible news of the week, we have this guy who thinks early childhood ed is bad because it makes women get all uppity.

A college president worried about the risks of dorm isolation. So he moved in.

From the New York Times, an unusual story of college leadership.

Student Online Speech Case

Easy to lose in the shuffle, but the Supreme Court is looking at a case that will test just how much reach a school has when it comes to students on social media. The Biden administration and various other groups have chimed in. Mark Walsh is reporting at EdWeek.

I am Not a Good Teacher

From the blog Your First Black Friend, a thoughtful meditation from someone who is eight years in. 

Group that approved South Dakota college without students rebuked

You may recall the college that was getting federal aid, but had no actual students. Looks like something may finally happen with that mess that Betsy DeVos didn't help at all with. (Why does it exist? Probably as a visa mill.)

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