
Sunday, November 8, 2020

ICYMI: That Was A Week All Righty Edition (11/8)

 Has it only been a week since we got together here? Seems like that was in a whole different world, and I have a feeling that we have a few more to go through before we're done. But as soon as the last echoes of Beloved Leader's 1,732 lawsuits dies down, maybe we can get back to doing some important stuff and not dying and--well, won't it just be nice not to have to have him barging into our consciousness every damn day. 

In the meantime, Other Stuff is still going on. Here's some reading.

When Jesus Needs a Visitor's Badge

Blue Cereal Education has been working his research muscles on the issues of church-school separation, and he has three reads to recommend.

Success Academy Will Be Remote Through March 2021  

This Chalkbeat story is worth noting because to listen to some folks talk, the only reason any schools have closed in this country is because of those damned selfish teachers unions. Apparently not.

The Wildest of Wild Weeks  

This post at eduhonesty is from way back on Thursday, and it offers some good thoughts on the ongoing discussion of how much political talk should be allowed into the classroom.

The Post-Espinoza End Game   

This is from way back in July, but I find I keep going back to these insights from Bruce Baker and Preston Green, and something tells me the issues involved here are going to keep flaring up, so study up. Speaking of which...

How The Court Inverted Constitutional Protections Against Discrimination

Leah Litman is at the Atlantic looking at how SCOTUS has been flipping the First Amendment all sideways. Again, this is going to come up again. And again.

Schools Adopt Facial Recognition in the Name of Fighting Covid  

Wired takes a look at these shenanigans. More surveillance state baloney.

Proctorio used DMCA to take down a student's critical tweets  

This is a trick we've seen before, back when a certain test manufacturer was running around getting blog posts taken down because the brutal criticism involved vaguely describing test content. Proctorio has proven to be mighty aggressive in shutting up its critics. Here's one more example.

Overstating Nothing  

Paul Thomas offers some excellent thoughts about student writing and the art of being both grandiose and vague.

In Some Ways, This Is Worse Than 2016  

Nancy Flanagan says much of what I'm thinking. The actual election doesn't change the actual underlying issues.

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