
Sunday, February 4, 2018

ICYMI: Millionairs Chasing a Bag of Air Edition (2/4)

Yeah, I'm not bitter. Actually, we haven't had cable here in this house for about a decade, so I'll just watch recaps later so that I can hold a conversation later, though I understand that "Did you see how those Patriots cheated again" is always a safe bet.

In the meanwhile, here's some education reading from then week. Be sure to share the pieces you respond to.

That 1984 study that Zuckerberg et al keep citing, and why it might be irrelevant to the discussion

Personalized learning fans keep citing a study about individual tutors. Matt Barnum looks at the study and why it might be irrelevant to the conversation.

Virtual Schools in Maine

Poor old Maine has ended up as Ground Zero in the attempt to computerize education. Not everyone is delighted.

Books Cooked at DC Schools
What's Shocking about the DC Schools Scandal

Two good pieces about the implosion of the DC schools miracle. The first helps you grab some of the details, and the second explains why this local schools meltdown matters nationally.

Pedal Desks for Elementary Schools

The Scary Mommy blog has some thoughts about pedal desks for the littles. Warning: obscenities are involved. And if you like that, follow it up with this piece about modern kindergartens.

Teacher Supply and Demand

At Bellwether thinky tank, a look at some of the different ways to look at state teacher shortages [sic].

Did New Evaluations and Weaker Tenure Chase People Away from Teaching? New Study Says Yes.

Also, sun expected to rise in East today. Still, it's an interesting piece of scholarship.

Zuckerberg and Parent Pushback Vs. Summit Schools-- InBloom Reprised

When it comes to the problems of cyberizing education and data collection, nobody knows their stuff like Leonie Haimson. Here's a great piece about the problems with Summit, and why this should all seem familiar.

Don't Know Much About History

A new study suggests that we are doing a spectacularly lousy job of teaching about slavery.

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