
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Poverty (7/24)

I am on a two-week vacation, driving cross-country with my wife to spend time with family in Seattle. In my absence, I have dug into the archives and pulled up some reruns for you. Though what I most suggest is that you check out the blogroll on the right side of the page. There are some outstanding bloggers, and if there are some folks you've never sampled, there's no day like today.

Helping people escape poverty and trying to end it are two different goals.

Why is it that we need such elaborate and often-specious arguments to support providing a decent education form poor children?

Yet one more data point (this one from Chicago) showing that poverty matters in education. What a shocker!

Milwaukee shows how to turn the war on poverty into the war on the poor.

That time reformster Chris Barbic gave up and quit his job running the Achievement School District. He was going to move the bottom 5% of schools into the top 25%, but he failed. Want to guess what he learned gets in the way of improving schools?

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