
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Home Stretch (7/26)

I am on a two-week vacation, driving cross-country with my wife to spend time with family in Seattle. In my absence, I have dug into the archives and pulled up some reruns for you. Though what I most suggest is that you check out the blogroll on the right side of the page. There are some outstanding bloggers, and if there are some folks you've never sampled, there's no day like today.

If everything went according to plan, I should be getting home today. So let's wrap up this rerun festival with a random assortment.

Stop Defending Music

The most viewed post here on the mother ship, as well as the one that has brought the most requests for reprints. Why we should stop trying to make excuses for music education.

Teacher Diversity Matters

The teaching field is mostly white ladies. That needs to change.

The Myth of the Hero Teacher

Larger than life. Leaping tall filing cabinets with a single bound. Taking a few moments out of every day to personally reach out to every single student and making that child feel special, while at the same time inspiring greater levels of smartitude just by sheer force of teacherly awesomeness. The Hero Teacher shoots expectation rays at students, making them all instant geniuses.

River To Classroom

One of the privileges of living in a small town on the river.

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